October 2023

Zahraa Jahangir's Profile

Zahraa Jahangir

3 minute read


The Spirit of Halloween Summons VP

Take a look into the events organized by SLC in honour of Halloween.

Jeffrey Zhao's Profile

Jeffrey Zhao

4 minute read


State of TTC Funding

An overview of the recent updates on TTC services and their effects.

Alex Tian's Profile

Alex Tian

0 minute read


Ghost Comic

A funny comic for Halloween.

Manal Hussain's Profile

Manal Hussain

3 minute read


Exploring Toronto’s Top 3 Favourite Majors Among Students

A look into the most popular post-secondary majors amongst students at VP.

Ellen Zhang's Profile

Ellen Zhang

4 minute read


Athletics at VPCI

A look into the events and accomplishments of the sports teams at VP.

Gloria Chen's Profile

Gloria Chen

3 minute read


The Importance of Exercise

An interview with one of the executive members of Protein Club, Shairah Hasan, that looks into the importance of exercise and the club at VP.

Ayaa Al-Sultany's Profile

Ayaa Al-Sultany

2 minute read


My Fire Still Burns Bright

A poem about perseverance.

Zaina Khan's Profile

Zaina Khan

6 minute read


An Ordinary Life

A short story inspired by Panther Press's Life Board.

Thomas Li's Profile

Thomas Li

5 minute read


Those Who Were Forgotten

A short story about a traveller who jumps dimensions.