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Samuel Guo's Profile

Samuel Guo

2 minute read


Science Olympics: STEM at Victoria Park

A deep dive into the Science Olympics club at Victoria Park Collegiate Institute.

Alina Chen's Profile

Alina Chen

2 minute read



DECA cluster exams + interview with writtens and teams competitors

Setayesh Rustam Khan's Profile

Setayesh Rustam Khan

2 minute read


Remembrance Day

Discover the history and significance of Remembrance Day, the symbols we honor, and how we can continue to remember and reflect on the sacrifices made by soldiers for our freedom.

Alya Saad's Profile

Alya Saad

3 minute read


The Starvation of the 21st Century

The man-made famine in Gaza can’t be ignored. When people bring empty pots and plates asking for food is when you know that they are starving.

Eshan Kiritharan's Profile

Eshan Kiritharan

2 minute read


Highlights of Halloweek at Victoria Park

A spotlight on this year’s halloween spirit week, events from each day and quotes from participants and directors of the event!

Jeffrey Zhao's Profile

Jeffrey Zhao

3 minute read


US Election Continuation

Republican Donald Trump has won the US presidential election, defeating Democrat Kamala Harris 312-226 in the electoral college. For the first time, he is also set to win the popular vote.

Jasmine Chen's Profile

Jasmine Chen

2 minute read


A Look into VPAC Intramurals

Exploring student athletics and what VPAC has to offer for students interested in playing sports and staying active.

Monica Chen's Profile

Monica Chen

2 minute read


L’art de VAC

VAC est un club pour les artistes, mais ces événements sont pour tous!

Subu Bhattarai's Profile

Subu Bhattarai

3 minute read


Is Censorship Ever Justified?

Exploring whether censorship is ever justified in modern society.