November 2024

Cats V.S Dogs, and Obvious Answer

The debate for cats versus dogs has existed since the birth of dawn, but today the true winner will be proved.


Cats vs. dogs? This is something that has been debated for centuries. Despite this, there has never been a clear conclusion to this debate. Cat lovers will insist that cats are the best, and dog lovers will do the exact same. However, today I will prove that this debate is pointless, because the true answer is, of course, cats. I’ll prove it with just 3 solid reasons. 

To begin with, cats are pretty self-sufficient. They groom themselves, are cool with spending time by themselves, and can go to the bathroom independently with some training. Moreover, they are content staying at home and don’t require the same repetitive intense care that a dog does. You can set them up with cardboard or some toys and they’ll have the time of their life. This helps those who don’t have enough time to spend on a pet extensively, but still want to take care of a pet and show it love. This is also useful for those who may have long hours of school or work. 

However, that is not to say that cats are just introverted. All cats are different, and some cats can even be extroverted. Their range of personalities allow for them to be loved by all types of people. They are also very attentive and know their boundaries. It makes it easy for a person to be calm around them and also understand what the cat is feeling towards them. If a cat is uncomfortable with them, then it’s easy for the owner to notice. But it’s also the same for cats. If the person is feeling unwell, then the cat would probably notice it and try to make their owner feel better. This allows for different types of bonding and fulfilling interactions, quiet or loud. 

But there is one final reason: they are delectably downright adorable! Their cuteness is literally unmatched. They can be serious, goofy, or even head empty with no thoughts. Just search up cute cats on YouTube, and the influx of serotonin may make you faint. Who wouldn’t love a cute animal with cute paws and cute purrs!? That’s another great feature of cats. They can purr and it can be very soothing to hear, for the cat and the person. It means they are comfortable with you, and purrs have been said to have calming effects on humans. If I were to experience that, I don’t think I would survive. It would be too cute. 

Clearly, based on these 3 reasons, cats are the superior animal. Although many dog lovers may disagree, to anyone interested in getting a pet, cats are the way to go. Due to previous statements, including that they're self-sufficient, quiet yet attentive, and just so cute! Now that this debate clearly has a winner, I don’t think I need to speak more.